Saturday, March 4, 2017

I have decided that since my Facebook page and my new you tube channel are both called Erin's cards and crafts I decided to make a brand new blog of this name.

you can find it at

The new blog is about how i created Erin's cards and crafts why i continue to donate to two charities and I am aiming (health permitting) to post 3 how to videos/photos and written instructions on how to make the cards which I am selling per month with 1 being a video and the other two being written instructions. We will see how this goes and if time and health permits i may increase to four per month for now we will aim for 3!

This doesnt mean that i want to get rid of this blog I am just changing the focus of it instead of trying to put up pictures of cards that I have made to sell them (which i am now doing on facebook) instead I am going to just put up lots of pictures of the things i have made (all of them) but there wont be any instructions for them for that you will need to go to the other blog i just want somewhere where i can put up lots of photos of what i have been creating they may be ones im selling or they may be ones that I am giving to family or friends or something i am creating for myself.  I will let you know in each post.

Please be sure to follow my new blog!